Having an account at a traditional bank usually costs you: monthly account fees, service fees, transaction fees, account maintenance fees and charges, and so on. Seems like a lot of fees, doesn’t it? RightBank provides accounts that are free, and we mean it. 

A traditional bank uses your cash to make profits that you never get a share of because checking accounts accrue zero interest. Your RightBank account balance will grow continuously because we believe that your money should work for you first and foremost.

A traditional bank is mainly interested in selling you high-interest loans (in addition to all the fees that we mentioned earlier). The deeper in debt you are, the better for them as your interest grows with each dollar owed. We give you the means to spend less, stay out of debt and do it consciously, thus saving even more, and faster.

Most importantly, we want to help you improve your “financial lifestyle” and spending habits to help you get ahead and spend less while making more – growing your wealth effortlessly, just like those proverbial one-percenter. Enjoy a more secure future and predictable lifestyle for yourself and your family.

If that sounds good, RightBank is here for you – we want you to prosper, while saving an additional $500 each month and grow your extra savings exponentially.


Be wealthier,

RightBank Team